Beds for Kids

Every bed has a story…

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.
~Psalm 4:8

The “Beds For Kids” ministry provides new beds and linens to children who do not have a bed of their in the Jasper County area and rural areas. The need for a good night’s sleep is something we often take for granted.  Yet every night, thousands of children around Texas find themselves sharing beds, sleeping on couches, and even floors. A good night’s sleep is a vital part of a growing child’s need, especially when it comes to being awake and prepared to learn. We seek to find those children (and families) in need and meet it.

When we began this program in 2013, we had no way of knowing just how many needs might be out there within our own community.

In 2014 a total of 40 beds were delivered to 21 families. By February of 2020, 213 beds have been delivered!  The ages of the children ranged from 3 to 14, with 21 girls and 19 boys receiving beds. The majority of these referrals came from the Head Start program, but many others come from Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Jasper ISD school counselors, Children’s Protective Services (CPS), and members of our own congregation.

Once a referral is received, each family’s residence is visited personally to confirm the need exists before a bed is promised. Included with the bed is a mattress, box, frame, pillow, vinyl mattress pad, a set of sheets, and a light blanket.  All of this we are able to do for only $250 per child.  We continue to accept this challenge of ministry as we affirm our mission that every child in our area might be able to say “I lie down in peace…”