Sunday School

At the First Methodist Church of Jasper, we believe that learning together and study of God’s word are an important part of Christian growth. That is why we set aside 45 minutes every Sunday at 9:30 am for our church to grow through learning. Recognizing the diverse spiritual life of our congregation, we have many adult classes that cover a wide-range of topics and age groups, as well as classes for youth and children.. There are classes for everyone!

Below you will find some information about each class. It is impossible to capture the flavor of a class in a single paragraph; but, perhaps this guide will help you find a place to begin exploring. All of our classes provide support and fellowship to their members.

That is exactly what we hope you will do: explore. Learning about God is an exciting journey. Our goal at FMC Jasper is to be co-learners with you as we all journey together. Look around, find a class that fits where you are right now in your journey, and jump on board. Become part of this thinking, feeling, and healing community of faith.


Here are brief descriptions of our classes. (All classes are in the Education Center, located on the north corner of N. Bowie and College streets.) Visit a class and find the one that’s right for you!


Disciples (Room 109)
The Disciples Class is a senior group of age 50+. As our name implies, we are followers of Christ, responding to people who are in need. With study and lively discussion, we use the scripture-based literature of the United Methodist Church. We strive to apply the lessons to our modern-day living.

Our group also enjoys seasonal “pot lucks” with great fellowship, food, and fun. We are always eager to receive new class members. Come join us!


Joyful Believers (Room 106)
Not sure where you fit in?  Are you a square peg in a round hole?  Then the Joyful Believers are for you.  We are an eclectic group of curious Christians.  Young, old, married, single…..that’s us.  We use First United Methodist Church’s standard Sunday school curriculum to lead open discussions that will build, enhance, and strengthen your ever-growing faith.  Come join us and become a Joyful Believer!


New Covenant (Room 107)
The New Covenant class consists primarily of senior adults, but welcomes members of any age. Our class materials include the Holy Bible and Cokesbury’s “Adult Bible Studies” series. Class members (who wish to) serve as teachers on a rotating basis as units change or when new topics are introduced. Class discussion is welcome and encouraged.


Pathfinders (Room 105)
Pathfinder’s is a class for modern couples with families to come together and be the hands and feet of Christ. We do Bible studies that are relevant to today’s parents and families.


Children and Youth Classes
Nursery (Infants) – Room 101
Toddlers (2-3 years) – Room 101
Pre-K and Kindergarten – Room 103
Grades 1 and 2 (Room 205)
Grades 3 and 4 (Room 204)
Grades 5 and 6 (Room 203)
Grades 7 through 12 (Room 202)