The First Methodist Church in Jasper, Texas is a community of Christians and future Christians growing in their faith; dedicated in disciple-making, worshiping our Triune God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), and transforming this mission-field we call Jasper. We believe God loves everyone more than we can imagine! We believe every person is loved by our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer and has a unique calling to serve Him.
We do not receive our identity in in our successes, failures, sins, mistakes, or how the world may perceive us. We receive our identity in the fact that we are redeemed; purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ. God loves us so much that He gave us an opportunity for a whole new identity as He blankets our past with the redeeming blood of Christ and chooses to remember it no longer.
The Bible
We put primary reliance on the Bible. It’s the unique testimony to God’s self-disclosure in the life of Israel; in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ; and in the Holy Spirit’s work in the early church. It’s our sacred canon and, thus, the decisive source of our Christian witness and the authoritative measure of the truth in our beliefs.
Faith is the basic orientation and commitment of our whole being—a matter of heart and soul. Christian faith is grounding our lives in the living God as revealed especially in Jesus Christ. It’s both a gift we receive within the Christian community and a choice we make. It’s trusting, praying, and listening to the Holy Spirit and relying on God as the source and destiny of our lives. Faith is believing in God, giving God our devoted loyalty and allegiance. Faith is following Jesus, answering the call to be His disciples in the world. Faith is hoping for God’s future, leaning into the coming kingdom that God has promised. Faith-as-belief is active; it involves trusting, believing, following, hoping, witnessing, and serving.
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