What to Expect

We would love an opportunity to meet you, and to help you feel welcome and at home at First Methodist Church of Jasper. We are happy to assist you in becoming familiar with the church, its ministries, and our programs, which are all aimed to help people just like you find the ministry you are passionate about.

As with any church, you are wondering what to expect when you come to visit First Methodist Church of Jasper.

Expect to be welcomed by many people. We are a very hospitable group of folks. Our goal is that you will be greeted several times before you leave our facility.

Expect not to be put on the spot! We recognize that when you visit for the first time you are checking us out and not the other way around. Although we may invite you, welcome you, and encourage you, no one will call you out publicly and we work hard to not make you feel out of your comfort zone.

Expect to leave having learned something new. Our pastor’s sermons are designed to challenge us to do something great but also to teach us. Although the message is understandable to all, it is aimed at Christians who are interested in continuing to grow spiritually.

Expect that you will not feel underdressed or overdressed. When you worship at First Methodist church you will see folks in suits as well as blue jeans, women in dresses and long pants. We have no dress code at First Church.

Expect to experience a beautiful worship facility. Our sanctuary is regarded as one of the most beautiful in East Texas, built in the Prairie Gothic style in 1968.

Expect to leave feeling better than when you arrived. One of the goals of church worship is to empower God’s people to walk out of the doors into the world and “Be” the church. Through the experience of scripture, song, laughter, tears, worship and community you will leave our church better equipped to be what God has called you to be.